Technology articles

Here's everything we've ever written on the topic of Technology.

Will AI change how we book travel?
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Will AI change how we book travel?

By Foolproof explores

An in-depth look at how AI could change the travel industry.

Beyond Black Mirror: AI, user experience, and ethical concerns in the future of TV
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Beyond Black Mirror: AI, user experience, and ethical concerns in the future of TV

By Ryan Tudor

We explore what AI means for the television industry.

What is an 'everything app' and can Twitter become one?
Everything app Blog Hero v5

What is an 'everything app' and can Twitter become one?

By Daniel Apps and Rob Hall

What will it take for a superapp to take off in the West?

AI: no substitute for human thought or design
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AI: no substitute for human thought or design

By Gaby Turner and Rob Hall

Rob and Gaby consider the differences between AI and human problem solving

Decoupling your technology from your IT
An illustration of plants growing out of a desktop computer monitor

Decoupling your technology from your IT

By Glyn Darkin

An introduction to micro-frontends
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An introduction to micro-frontends

By Aris Markogiannakis

Exploring the pros and cons of micro-frontends.

Digital transformation: a technology transformation or an IT refresh?
A hammer gradually hammering in nails

Digital transformation: a technology transformation or an IT refresh?

By Glyn Darkin

Glyn helps untangle the difference between a technology transformation and an IT refresh, illustrating why it's important not to approach them in exactly the same way.

How to drive the adoption of design systems
An illustration of lego blocks to depict design strategy

How to drive the adoption of design systems

By Panos Voudouris

We explore how to create a design system when you do not have the luxury of starting from scratch.

Digital Experience Platforms: Key considerations for success
An illustration of hotel room keys

Digital Experience Platforms: Key considerations for success

By Amzed Hussain

DXP implementation can be tricky. Here, Amzed shares key considerations for success.

Riding the wave of superapps
An illustration of a person holding a mobile device

Riding the wave of superapps

By Rachel Tan and Shuying Yao

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