Even more reasons to love working at Foolproof

A generous second helping of reasons to love working at Foolproof.

Abstract illustration of speech marks and other shapes in red, purple, green, orange and blue

A couple of years ago, we penned this classic.

Most of the sentiment still rings true, but I’ve taken some time out to capture what people have to say today - about why Foolproof is such a great place to work.

Hint - it’s because we each put time and effort into making our working environment the very best it can be across, London, Singapore and our home, Norwich.

So, without further ado – here’s why I keep showing up to work:

What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
What do you enjoy most about day-to-day life here?

Illustration of black dog wearing a red collar standing between two pairs of human legs
What makes Foolproof a great place to work?

Illustration of two blue hands high fiving
What does working here mean to you? 

Abstract illustration of two heads with lightbulbs going off inside them
How would you describe our culture? 
And finally, you’ve got three words to describe Foolproof - what are they?
Are you next?

There you have it - all you should need to know about our people, straight from the horse’s mouth. Of course, if there’s anything we haven’t covered that you’d like to know, get in touch.

In the meantime, visit our careers page if you like the sound of Foolproof, and think you’d make a good fit.

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